Thursday, December 01, 2005

yikes.. tofu rasa DAGING ORANG

hasil iseng2 ngebrowse kmaren, nemu web ini,
inti webnya opo to? pokonya mereka jualan tofu gitu via internet, tau tofu kan? yah, intinya sih itu tahu yang lebih halus teksturnya.. bedanya hufu ini apa, its a human flesh tofu, tofu rasa daging orang! hweeh? he eh, rasa daging orang, manusia.. freak eh?

hwehehe.. well, brite side? orang2 kaya sumanto dan temen2nya kalo klaperan ga mesti gali2 kuburan dulu ato bunu orang dulu.. tinggal browse ke hufu, order online, nunggu pesenan dateng, enjoy!

rasanya gimana? yaah, rasa daging orang..
emang rasa daging orang gimana? mm.. gw juga ga tau sih, cuma kata produsennya sih, daging orang itu rasanya ga kaya daging babi, seperti mitos2 kebanyakan.. katanya sih rasanya kayak daging sapi, cunma lebih manis dan lebih juicy gitu, yuummmmmeeeeeee! if ur a psycho! hwehehe.. (no offense buat para penikmat daging orang di luar sana, it just.. not suitable to my taste i think..)

udah gitu, di website itu ada resep menu yang originally bahan bakunya adalah daging orang lhoo.. like..

Aztec Human Stew

You can vicariously participate in one of the great Aztec customs, the human sacrifice festival, as you enjoy this healthy and flavorful stew. get recipe

Hufu Stoganoff

This traditional Russian classic is a simple yet elegant dish, and is a perfect medium for enjoying the healthy good taste of hufu. get recipe

Lechter's Liver with Fava Beans
(Fegato alla Lechter con i fagioli di fava)

This is really a treat for the cannibal gourmand. Doctor Lechter famously preferred this dish with a nice Chianti. I have had this dish many times with my perhaps unorthodox choice, Pinot Grigio from the region of Friuli, but I must concur with the good doctor that a high-quality Chianti best complements the subtle taste, texture and aroma of this recipe. get recipe

Serano Nanito (Papua New Guinea hufu dumplings)
Serano Nanito
(Papua New Guinea hufu dumplings)

These native dumplings filled with hufu (or human flesh), sago and yam are prized for their taste as well as their ability to make you fierce and brave in tribal combat. get recipe

Leningrad Pirogies with Hufu
("Leningradski Pirozhki s Hufu")

These delicious little meat pies are better known in America by their Polish name pirogies, but whether you call them pirogies or by the Russian name "pirozhki." You won't want to be called late for dinner! get recipe

mmmm... tertarik? coba aja browse ke websitenya yang gw sebut tadi.. as for me, gw rasanya sampe sekarang masih cukup bersyukur dengan karunia tuhan yang berwujud makhluk lucu dengan nama sapi. mikir kalo gw makan sesuatu dengan rasa daging gw sendiri, yikes..


At 2:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hehe.. siapa tau cuma ga beneran daging orang. biar yg baca, jadi jijay. :D

lam kenal. met gabung dg blogfam. acc membernya sdh diaktifkan. ditunggu sapanya di perkenalan ya.

At 1:29 PM, Blogger ``` said...

Yekh...bacanya sambil ngebayangin gt...
( kyknya enk jg...He..he...Kabuuur...)


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